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I absolutely love these! I purchased them and used them in my game Bat Blast! You are blessing for creators like me. Thank you so much for making these so affordable and accessible. I'm considering using them again in another project! 


Awesome! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for those fruits! I really like them.

We made in LD56 using your assets.

Thanks for making these available, I appreciated the art and the comedy!


hi, i made Stardew Valley Mods using your Assets, thank you!



 commercial use free?



but a credit would be nice



Very pretty assets! Now I need to have some recipes to make with them xD the tree humor lol 


Thank you for these wonderful free fruit assets! I have used them in a mod I created for Stardew Valley and linked to your page in the credits.

what name can i put in the credits?



I'm using this in a game I'm developing. They are wonderful. SciGho, I will be mentioning you in the credits :)

(1 edit) (+3)

Not only is this post hilarious, the assets are of very good quality, but this is free? A God Amongst Us.


Wonderful work. Curious about the license. Is this CC0?

Yes, but a credit would be nice


These are WONDERFUL!


Beautiful work!

:( wish these were in 32x32 pixel. Nice work though.


you can resize them without messing up the cute pixel look by using a free program like GIMP and set the interpolation to "none"!!!

In CSS you can use  image-rendering: pixelated;


Wow, beautiful thank you